
28.12 2014

Iwona Mirosz a moderator and a speaker on the „Effective management of the legal department” conference, organised by Business Media Solution

Author: mj_administrator Category: other

On the third edition of the „Effective management of the legal department” conference, organised by Business Media Solution in Warsaw Sheraton Hotel.

28.12 2014

Iwona Mirosz for onet.biznes: Cooperative banks and CRD IV package

Author: mj_administrator Category: other

European Parlament adopted CRD IV Directive and CRR (Capital Requirements Regulation) which caused anxiety in cooperative banks.

28.12 2014

Iwona Mirosz participated in debate about the future of cooperative bank under CRD IV directive and CRR ordinance

Author: mj_administrator Category: other

On May 10, 2013 attorney Iwona Mirosz participated in the debate about the future of cooperative banking.

28.12 2014

Krzysztof Sobaczak interview with Iwona Mirosz about bank obligations to their customers

Author: mj_administrator Category: other

Law requires bank to properly inform their clients about terms and conditions of their agreement and their obligations, in clear and understandable way.

28.12 2014

Iwona Mirosz on TVN CNBC: Will Recommendation M restrict shadow banking?

Author: mj_administrator Category: other

Recommendation M will restrict shadow banking, eliminate fictional insurance investment policies. The FSA wants the insurance investment policies to cease from the market

28.12 2014

Iwona Mirosz a speaker on Investment Products workshop organised by MM Conferences

Author: mj_administrator Category: other

During Investment Products workshop organised by MM Conferences Iwona Mirosz gave a lecture „Sanctions for failure to the guidelines of the Commission for Financial Supervision”

28.12 2014

Iwona Mirosz in TVN CNBC: Longer list of the FSA warnings

Author: mj_administrator Category: other

List of the FSA warnings includes 31 items. Since September 9 new items was added. Iwona Mirosz explains which entities and why are on the list.

19.11 2012

Iwona Mirosz, EU is preparing higher requirements for banks, Gazeta Prawna, nr 224

Author: mj_administrator Category: other

Article about amendments in EU law related with Polish cooperative banking


Mecenas Iwona Mirosz reprezentowała Kancelarię na Banking Forum organizowanym przez MMC Polska w ramach jesiennego Spotkania Liderów Bankowości i Ubezpieczeń

Author: Iwona Mirosz Category: other

W dniach 4-5 października odbyło się kolejne kluczowe spotkanie przedstawicieli rynku bankowości i ubezpieczeń. Tematyka konferencji oscylowała wokół nowych technologii w bankowości, nowych form płatności, sztucznej inteligencji i innych największych wyzwań sektora bankowego. Dla prawników szczególnie interesujące były panele dyskusyjne na temat wpływu PSD2 i RODO na polski sektor finansowy.


Arkadiusz Kawulski, attorney at law, has joined the Firm’s Team

Author: Iwona Mirosz Category: other